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What is Phosphorus?

What is Phosphorus?

Phosphorus: Putting the P in NPK Phosphorus is a chemical element with the symbol P on the periodic table of elements. It is highly reactive and as a result is never found as a free element on earth – it’s always bonded with something else. It’s needed – along with...
Ignite Your Creativity With Herbs

Ignite Your Creativity With Herbs

Herbs are delectable little plants that we ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ over when watching cooking shows. They bring so much flavour to any dish! Outside of the kitchen, however, they can ignite a creativity that you didn’t even know you had inside of you! Here are three awesome...
Herb Recipes

Herb Recipes

Delicious Herb Recipes that will make you smile. Stevia Simple Syrup: ¼ cup of dried stevia leaves 1 cup of boiling water Pour the boiling water over the stevia leaves and let steep until cool. Strain the liquid into a mason jar, store in the fridge for up to a month...
Indoor Cactus Care 101

Indoor Cactus Care 101

Indoor Cactus Care 101  Light: Choose the sunniest location available such as a south or west facing windowsill. Water: Cacti thrive on summer care and winter neglect. From late spring to late summer, waterthem regularly but make sure the excess water can drain freely...
10 Easy Steps for Growing Your Own Seeds!

10 Easy Steps for Growing Your Own Seeds!

10 Easy Steps for Growing Your Own Seeds!   • Find some trays or pots Trays and pots with drainage are a good idea but to protect your furniture you can set them inside a tray with no drainage holes. Fill the seed tray with seed compost Use a good quality seed...