When it comes to finding the perfect Christmas tree, try going real! Your first thought might be that buying an artificial tree that is reusable is better for the environment versus chopping down a fresh tree. In actual fact the opposite is true.
When it comes to finding the perfect Christmas tree, try going real! Your first thought might be that buying an artificial tree that is reusable is better for the environment versus chopping down a fresh tree. In actual fact the opposite is true.
If you think about it though, artificial trees are produced with the use of petroleum products and are not biodegradable. Once they are discarded to the landfill they can take up to 500 years to decompose. That’s five centuries!
Real Christmas trees may require a little more work to decorate (if only they came pre-lit!) but they are awesome for the environment and nothing beats that real tree smell. If it makes you sad to think about consuming a real tree think of it like any other crop. Once that tree is chopped down a new one will be planted to take its place. It takes on average 8-10 years for a tree to go from seedling to harvest. In those ten years that tree is contributing to the environment in a real way. Real Christmas trees absorb carbon dioxide and other gases from the air and emit fresh oxygen to us while they are growing. One acre of Christmas trees will produce enough oxygen for 18 people for a day! Also while they are growing those trees help to stabilize the soil, help protect water supplies and provide food and refuge for wildlife and birds. Did you know that it is good luck if you find a bird’s nest in your Christmas tree?
Real trees are both renewable and biodegradable so you should feel good if you choose to go with a real tree this year. Another awesome benefit is that you are buying from a local farmer in your community as opposed to a big manufacturer and box store. So dig out those old boxes of lights this year and rekindle old family traditions of decorating a real fresh Christmas tree. You might even find a bird nest!
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