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How to Plant Bulbs | Scott's Nursery (506) 458-9208 or 1-800-561-7268

Spring flowering bulbs are coming to Scott’s Nursery and you do not want to miss out!

Once you pick out the perfect bulbs and you take them home, be sure to store them in a cool and dry place until it’s time to plant. You do not want your bulbs near ripening fruit as it can cause the bulb to grow beautiful foliage without any blooms. Your bulbs won’t be damaged however; you will just have to wait for the following spring to get flowers.

Now that you have held onto your bulbs and the ground is getting cold (around 9 degrees Celsius) it’s time to plant! Shoot for late September to mid-October to plant your bulbs so they have time to settle into the ground and develop roots before winter takes over.

Be sure to choose a site with good drainage and at least 6 hours of sun per day. Bulbs will rot if they are planted in heavy clay soil with standing water for a long period of time. It’s a good idea to add bit of bone meal and some nice rich organic matter when planting. Plant with the wide end down and the pointy end towards the sky. The package will have directions for depth and spacing but a general rule of thumb is to plant them 3 times deeper than the bulb is tall. Covering the bulbs with chicken wire is one of the best methods to discourage critters from digging them up and having a tasty snack. After planting you should give the area a good drink. This will help the bulbs to establish good roots and eliminate any air pockets in the soil.

Another tip to make your bulb garden look awesome is to make bulb lasagna! This isn’t a new and trendy food but an old and trusted way to give yourself a full, colourful garden with layers, just like a lasagna. By planting a variety of bulbs with different bloom times you can keep your spring garden blooming for a good month or so. For lasagna you will want to plant your bulbs layered on top of each other with a two-inch layer of soil separating them. You would start with your large bulbs like tulips and daffodils at the very bottom and work your way up with things like Scilla and crocuses on top. If you play with the bloom time of your bulbs you could end up with a wave of endless colour and blooms all spring long!

Once you have made it through the long cold winter, you finally get to enjoy those bright, beautiful flowers! Bulbs really require very little in the way of maintenance. Once the blooms have gone, cut the flower heads off but allow the foliage to die down naturally. This allows the leaves to produce nutrients which will be stored in the bulb for another round of beautiful blooms next year!

Now that you know the basics on how to care for your bulbs and keep them blooming for years to come; we hope you have fun creating your beautiful spring flowering bulb garden.

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